Wildtrees King Charles
- A type hard to come by
- Fantastic front and good limbs
Sold within 24hrs to a lovely home.
- Welsh Part Bred
- Piebald
- Gelding
- 2 years
- 13.1 hands
- A type hard to come by
- Fantastic front and good limbs
Charlie is a type hard to come by, 2 years old and currently standing at 13.1hh with a fantastic front and good limbs with 3 balanced paces and the most beautiful movement. He’s a very eye catching type. He Lives in or out and with company.
He is currently stabled with no bother and he is used to being on a very busy, noisy yard. He has previously been shown in hand, showing good manners .
He’s extremely well handled. He is good to bath , farrier and can be trimmed with no headcollar so I’m sure he would be fine with clipping too.
I would love to keep him but with being so busy I don’t want him to be waisted and I feel someone could bring him to his full potential where he could excel in the show ring or equally as a family friend in a knowledgeable home. This is a very hard decision so please no time wasters .
Please call and if I miss your call please text and I will call you back at the earliest convenience.
5* home wanted.
Wildtrees Danny Boy |
Pentyparc Miss Molly |