Welsh Cob Section D mare
- Been brought on slowly
- Showing a super attitude to work
- Welsh Section D
- Mare
- 6 years
- Been brought on slowly
- Showing a super attitude to work
Welsh cob section D mare 6 year old, has been brought on slowly, showing a super attitude to work.
Will be suitable for any discipline as she has all the big movement for showing but also hacks out and is very confident. Suitable for any rider.
Priced accordingly to suit the stage of her career.
- Welsh Section D
- Bay
- Filly
- 1 years
Garthfach Heather
- Super moving filly
- Fantastic show filly that moves for fun with great lift and look at me presence.
- Out of Garthfach Zest the dam of Garthfach Classic-addition
- Welsh Section D
- Bay
- Filly
- 1 years
- Super moving filly
- Fantastic show filly that moves for fun with great lift and look at me presence.
- Out of Garthfach Zest the dam of Garthfach Classic-addition
What a filly, moves for fun. Half sister to Garthfach Classic-addition who has done so well under saddle.
Lots of feather and bone ,good feet. All the family can jump as well.
Lots of photos of relatives on request.
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Travelling ap Playboy |
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Glanvyrnwy Dian |
Garthfach Zest |
Eifed Trysor |
Derwen Quartz |
Llynyfelin Cariad |
Balnecroft Northern Star |
Travelling Flash Jack |
Balnecroft Meganna |
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Welsh Section Ds by selecting a category below:
Bronaeron, Felinfach, Lampeter, Ceredigion, SA48 8AG
Tel: (01570) 471754 Fax: (01570) 470435
Website: www.wpcs.uk.com
Registered Charity No: 222014 - Company Limited by Guarantee No.: 1017832
Welsh Cob Section D - Breed Standard
General Character - Strong, hardy and active with pony character and as much substance as possible
Height - The height should exceed 13.2 hh (137cms): no upper limit
Colour & Markings - Any colour except piebald and skewbald
Head - Full of quality and pony character -A coarse head and Roman nose are most objectionable
Jaws and Throat - Clean and finely-cut, with ample room at the angle of jaw
Neck - Lengthy, well carried and moderately lean in the case of mares, but inclined to be cresty in the case of mature stallions
Shoulders - Strong but well laid back
Forelegs - Set square and true and not tied in at the elbows. Long strong forearm.Well developed knees with an abundance of bone below them. Pasterns of proportionate slope and length. Feet well shaped and round. Hooves dense. When in the rough a moderate quantity of silky feather is not objected to, but coarse, wiry hair is a definite objection
Body - Muscular, strong and well coupled back and loins. Deep girth with well sprung ribs
Hindquarters - Lengthy and strong. Ragged or drooping quarters are objectionable. Tail well set on
Hind Legs - Second thighs strong and muscular. Hocks to be large, flat and clean with points prominent, to turn neither inwards nor outwards. The hind leg not be too bent. The hock not to be set behind a line from the point of the quarter to the fetlock joint. Pasterns of proportionate slope and length. Feet well shaped and hooves dense
Action - Free, true and forcible. The knee should be bent and the whole foreleg should be extended straight from the shoulder and as far forward as possible in the trot. Hocks flexed under the body with straight and powerful leverage
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