Fun pony
- Mulberry is a lovely boy!
SOLD! Mulberry has now found the perfect loan home
- Connemara
- Fleabitten grey
- Gelding
- 17 years
- 14.2 hands
- Mulberry is a lovely boy!
Easy to do, hacks alone or in company. Has done lots of competing, SJ XC dressage, pony club, hunter trials, hunting, fun rides and beach rides. He loves jumping and He gets very excited and can be strong which is why he is not for a novice!
He is good in traffic, to shoe load and clip although he doesn’t like his ears clipped!
He would suit a mother daughter share, pony club home or happy hacking home but he needs to keep busy!
He prefers company in the barn, he is always first to be turned out as he doesn’t like to be left alone, although he is fine in the field alone.
He is for loan only I would consider selling to the right home