Sad sale of my daughters first pony
- Has taken our daughter from LR to doing all her pony firsts!
- Has taken part in all PC activities
- Fantastic out hacking alone or in company
Sold at first viewing to a wonderful home
- Welsh Section A
- Palomino
- Mare
- 13 years
- 11.2 hands
- Has taken our daughter from LR to doing all her pony firsts!
- Has taken part in all PC activities
- Fantastic out hacking alone or in company
Very sad sale of our daughters first pony, who we’ve had for the last 3 and a half years. She is now outgrown and needs to find a new young person to teach to ride. Green passport.
Tara has taken our daughter from a nervous lead rein jockey to taking part in all activities, including regular lessons, x- country clinics, PC rallies, PC camps and PC ridden badges. She has only been ridden by children with us.
She is happiest jumping x-poles to jumps up 40 cms. She is not bothered by fillers, ditches, water etc . She will trot around a course at this height but if the height increases over 45cm she needs a rider not a passenger to ride her over the fence.
She absolutely loves hacking and does this alone or in company. She’s safe in heavy traffic, group rides, open fields, woodland rides and beach rides. She also enjoys a ride to the local play park!
She can be loaded on the trailer by my daughter and she will happily travel alone or in company. She’s great with the farrier (barefoot), dentist, physio, vet for vaccinations and to clip.
Fully up to date with all vaccinations, dentist, physio and farrier. No history of laminitis or illness. Fit and ready for her next home.
Lots of photos and videos on request.
Viewings will only be arranged via telephone. No loans sorry.
Price includes rugs, bridle and Thorowgood saddle.
Saithelwyd Green Jack |
Cwmhendy Buster |
Brynrodyn Tara |