Horse Quest UK - Fell Ponies
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Fell Ponies

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Mrs Katherine Wilkinson,

Bank House, Boroughgate, Appleby-in-Westmorland, Cumbria CA16 6XF.

Registered Charity, Number 1104945

Tel/Fax:  01768 353100 - Email 

Web Site: 


Breed Standard

Height - Not exceeding 14 hands (142.2 cms)

Colour & Markings - Black, brown, bay or grey preferably with no white markings, although a star or a little white on the hind feet is allowed

Head - Head should be small, well chiselled in outline, well set on, forehead broad and tapering to nose. Nostrils are large and expanding. Eyes should be prominent, bright mild and intelligent. Ears neatly set, well formed and small. Fine through the throat and jaws showing no signs of throatiness or coarseness

Neck - Of proportionate length, giving good length of rein, strong and not too heavy, moderate crest in case of stallion

Shoulders - Most important, well laid back and sloping, not too fine at withers and not leaded at the points - a good long shoulder blade with well developed muscles

Body - Good strong back of good outline, muscular loins, deep carcass, thick through heart, round ribbed from shoulders to flank, short and well coupled, hind quarters strong with tail well set on

Feet Legs & Joints - Feet of good size, round and well formed, open at heels with the characteristic blue horn, fair sloping pasterns not too long. Forelegs should be straight, well placed and not tied at the elbows. Big well formed knees, short cannon bone, plenty of good flat bone below knee (8" at least) with great muscularity of arm

Hind Legs - Good thighs and second thighs. Very muscular hocks, well let down and clean cut. Plenty of bone below the joint. Hocks should not be sickle of cow-hocked

Action - Walk - smart and true. Trot - well balanced all round with good knee and hock action, going well from the shoulder flexing the hocks. Not going too wide nor near behind. Should show great pace and endurance, bringing the hind legs well under the body when going

Mane Tail & Feathers - Plenty of fine hair (coarse hair objectionable) all the fine hear except that at the point of heel may be cast in summer. Mane and tail are left to grow long

General Character - The Fell Pony should be constitutionally as hard as iron and show good pony characteristics with the unmistakeable appearance of hardiness peculiar to mountain ponies. At the same time it should have a lively and alert appearance

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