Carrock Blackthorn
- Carrock Blackthorn (Oakley)
- 6 Year old Fell stallion
- 13.2
Thank you for all the enquiries he is now to sold
- Fell
- Black
- Stallion
- 6 years
- 13.2 hands
- Carrock Blackthorn (Oakley)
- 6 Year old Fell stallion
- 13.2
Hacks alone and in company
Stabled next to mares
Backed as a 5 year old and had a steady ridden season at shows he will happily stand on the wagon at shows
Great in the ring and not phased by the big atmosphere,
Gelded he would make a great juniors pony or kept entire I believe he will go to the top,
Up to date with everything
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