- Welsh Section A
- Grey
- Mare
- 8 years
- 11.3 hands
- Eppy has taught my daughter how to ride off the Lead Rein
- Fantastic in open spaces, trial hunted, fun rides, pony club etc
- Prolific at all our local shows, won 7 trophies in 2025 at 5 shows! HOYS WH / BS potential
Eppy 2017, 11.3hh well bred Welsh section A mare.
We bought Eppy in August 23 for Indie who was just 5yrs old, to get her off the LR.
Within a few days indie rode off the LR at home and pony club. She quickly started cantering, having never cantered at all, and within a few months was cantering alongside me on my horse in open fields.
Last summer indie and Eppy had a prolific summer, winning 7 trophies in total and countless red rosettes. We only actually went to 5 local shows in total. 3 of which she won most points for her age group. At her first show in May she stood reserve working hunter champion (2nd to a horse that won at the Highland show). In August she came reserve overall show champion on points at Yetholm show, winning a mounting block! She was either lead rein or assisted at all except one and there she won her only attempt at First Ridden.
Pony club - indie and Eppy has enjoyed all aspects of pony club, countless rallies and mini camp where she was totally off the LR and enjoyed her first XC session, they finished buzzing!
Games - Eppy loves games and this is when non horsey competitive dad comes arrives to blast up and down those lines. They are pretty prolific with dad at the helm. She’s unfazed by any of the games equipment. She would make a fantastic games pony and over the winter they have done Games rallies off the LR.
Handy pony - nothing fazes her even when it’s windy and equipment flapping!
Jumping - neither of my children have ever been brave jumping (they are still very young!) probably down to the fact our previous pony ground to a halt before the fence then cat leaped. Eppy has slowly brought indies confidence back and she is now popping round a small course. I do occasionally put other children on to keep her education going - she’s flown round courses of 60/70 and has a huge scopey jump in her. I have been told we should be doing HOYS WH qualifiers but my girls / nor I are not interested or willing to drive miles for these qualifiers. She would also easily affiliate BS. Prior to us she won the mini SJ league at a big equestrian centre.
Trial hunting / common riding / fun rides - this is where my passion lies! She had taken to it like a duck to water. With my girls indie now 7 and Coco just 5 she’s had many days on the lead rein mainly with the Jedforest and Duke of Buccleuch and one day either the Tynedale. She is happy when everyone else disappears (including her stable mates), or happy within the field with the masses. At the meet and when everyone stops stands happily and rests a leg! She has also done the junior common rides, with brass pipe bands etc off the lead rein with indie and junior hunt meets off the lead rein. She attended Floors castle 10 mile ride last summer. Indie started on the LR for my sanity as it was complete chaos; out of control charging children, however after a field or two she was cantering off into the distance with friends.
A friend’s 10yo child had her out autumn hunting with me on my horse and she was again very relaxed, had a few moments where she would have liked to crack on, when everyone else did, however we purposely restrained her to educate her! We finished the day keeping up with the field and she was amazing and loved it, I could see her turning into a great hunting pony.
Hacking - she is absolutely amazing in open fields / tracks / roads and traffic. In her previous home she hacked on a busy road, we mainly ride in fields but meet lots of quads/ tractors / tree felling etc and she has never flinched at anything! She enjoys leading the way, but equally happy behind. She will cross rivers / tricky ground brilliantly. Understandably for her age she will jump to the side or stop if something launches out right in front of beside her - pheasants / deer etc. she has never bucked / reared / bolted / napped etc
She’s a delight to do at home and at shows, indie 6 - turns her out and brings her in, loads her into the trailor. Picks her feet out etc… she will stand alone in the trailer / stable when her friends are taken away.
She’s a fun loving forward off the leg mare, enjoys life and likes to please. Little legs can make her go, for little people she requires little kicks every few strides in canter to keep her going (which I love) bigger kids can squeeze to keep her going. Indie has ridden her mainly in a gag as she find turning easier, she doesn’t really need it for breaks.
Very genuine reason for sale.
Yesterday she has moved 5 miles down the road to a local producer to go out and do M&M tracks. She can be seen with Ellie at home or at shows. I have no trial facilities and about to start lambing, and have a VERY emotional child. Last phot
Many pictures and videos available.
Just above Mid 4 figures. Located Scottis Borders - 1hr North or Newcastle.