- Would be a perfect match for an amateur rider looking for a sensible and reliable all-rounder
- Successfully competed in unaffiliated eventing, perfect grassroots horse
Sold to the first viewers!
- Irish Sports Horse
- Gelding
- 8 years
- 16.2 hands
- Would be a perfect match for an amateur rider looking for a sensible and reliable all-rounder
- Successfully competed in unaffiliated eventing, perfect grassroots horse
Ramiro x Voltaire
Would be a perfect match for an amateur rider looking for a sensible and reliable all-rounder. Whether you're looking to hunt, do a bit of cross-country, SJ or enjoy some low-pressure general riding, he’s a great option!
Extremely well behaved out hunting, has cross-country schooled, and well schooled on the flat. Has a very calm and straightforward attitude.
Easy-going, not strong or sharp, making him extremely safe and dependable to hack out alone or in company.
A lovely horse with a sweet nature, he’s easy to handle, good to shoe, box, clip, and generally a joy to have around.
While he does wind suck, he’s been scoped recently, and there’s no evidence of it causing any issues with his health or performance.
£13,000 – Motivated Seller due to teenager at boarding school.
This is a fantastic opportunity for the right home.