Lead rein, first ridden, junior, breed classes
- Lovely lead rein pony
- Needs no ear plugs no calmers and very little working in if any
- Superb temperament
SOLD! Sold at first viewing to a fabulous new home
- Dartmoor
- Bay
- Mare
- 12 years
- 12 hands
- Lovely lead rein pony
- Needs no ear plugs no calmers and very little working in if any
- Superb temperament
Sadly looking for a new home
Rushfield Honey Bee 12 hh dartmoor mare
Dob 4/5/2013
Sire Moortown crusader
Dam Hillies queens jubilee
Honey has been a pleasure to own over the last year taking our grandaughter safely into the ring in her first year on the lead rein. Honey will go on or off the lead rein she has been popped over a small jump at home but we have not gone any further with jumping as maddy was not ready for it.
She is a versatile pony who could do numerous classes as she will step up a gear for the older kids if they ask her to she would be ideal for a sibling share .
She has given Maddy the best introduction into showing that we could of asked for she has taken maddy into several evening performances with no ear plugs no calmers and very little working in if any and behaved impeccably.
She will stand tied up for ages for madge to groom she hacks out, loads and travels well she is good to do in all ways and is up to date with vacs, teeth etc.
Honey is a very correct and true to type dartmoor she is ready for the coming season ( apart from being very hairy lols) or she would equally make a lovely home /fun all round pony ready to be her next jockeys new best friend.
Can be seen and tried with John Harvey at his yard in Hertfordshire
Please pm John or myself for further info
Moortown crusader |
Hillies queens jubilee |