Horse Quest UK - Dales Ponies: Foals
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Dales Ponies: Foals

Top class show native / coloured wanted

Ref #: 363227
  • Varied, experienced home waiting
  • Must be clean limbed and straight moving
  • Preferably a proven open pony but would consider a well started novice
  • Varied, experienced home waiting
  • Must be clean limbed and straight moving
  • Preferably a proven open pony but would consider a well started novice
I am searching for my next ridden show pony, I am very specific about what I am looking for.

Ideally a large breed native but I would consider a Traditional, native coloured or a coloured 15hh SHP.

Mare or gelding, 4 years plus, 13.2 -15hh (but within breed height restrictions)

The perfect pony will have a proven CV at HOYS / RI level but I will consider an outstanding novice with some ring mileage, must enjoy hacking and be good with all traffic. A bonus if has also done some dressage

Things I like:
- A good front and length of rein
- A neat head with a kind eye
- A pony with good manners that enjoys attention
- A forward, light, supple and snaffle mouthed ride
- A pony that enjoys hacking alone or in company
- A pony that moves nicely off the leg and responds to the seat

Things I don’t like:
- Stable vices
- Bad manners on the ground
- Not standing at the mounting block
- Overly spooky ponies
- Dishing
- Anything that needs lunging before riding or can’t be given a day off
- Anything that has been ridden in draw reins or a bungee
- Anything that needs carrying round the ring or is lazy

What I can offer:
- Very experienced home with daily turnout
- Excellent off road hacking
- lots of variety away from the show ring
- long term home

Whilst I would consider an older pony, I am not looking for an older pony with little / no competition experience

Please WhatsApp me if you have something that may be suitable, excellent budget waiting


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