Horse Quest UK
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Dealers & Yards

Coachbuilding is an art and we specialise in building the finest 3.5 & 7.5 tonne luxury lightweight horseboxes. Even our entry level classic horsebox comes with CCTV and reverse camera with sound monitors for extra safety.

Whether it is a 3.5 tone horsebox or a luxury 26 tonne horse lorry we are here to help in the design and construction of your lorry. Nothing is cast in stone at Equimark Horseboxes and we are happy to work with you to create a horsebox that is perfect for you and your horses.

Whatever breed of horse you own Equimark can build a lorry that will transport your horses in complete comfort and safety 

Any part exchange considered, excellent finance packages 
Telephone 01379 870877 Suffolk, IP23 8AW 
Telephone  01379 870877 Suffolk, IP23 8AW

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