SELECTION OF STUNNING HEAVY WEIGHTS.Suffolk punch cross cob foals.
- Can be sold now with the mare
- Chestnut
- Colt
- Under 1
- 16.1 hands
- Can be sold now with the mare
We have a sellection of suffolk punch cross irish draught foals for sale. All out of quality id mares. These foals are all tanks with fantastic size and bone with quality heads. All to make top class heavy weights with size and substance. Above is just one of the foals. All are in now with first jabs given. A Stunning chestnut colt out of a full ID mare with top show pedigree x Suffolk Punch, with fantastic pedigree.
This stunning colt to make 16.1hh + Maxi cob.
His mother has previously produced top quality foals and with this Suffolk cross he will get the size and the bone that's impossible to find nowadays.
The dam has an incredible temperament and the sire is also a ridden horse.
This young foal will definitely be one to look out for in the future.
Can be weaned any time now.
Mum is very good to handle in everyway and Dad a true gent.