Aside from the fun and festivities, Bonfire Night can cause a multitude of problems for pet and horse owners. The HorseQuest team have put together helpful tips to help ensure your evening goes off without a bang.
Keep up to date with local events – keep a look out for posters advertising local displays and try tuning in to your local radio station to find out when and where the displays will be in your area.
Let your neighbours and the organisers of local displays know there are horses close by, then they can ensure the fireworks are set off as far away from your horse as possible.
Decide what’s best for your horse. If your horse is usually turned out and you would prefer to stable him over Bonfire Night, change his routine weeks in advance so he’s in familiar surroundings on the night.
If your horse is usually stabled they try leaving a radio on during the night to fade out and distract from the sound of the fireworks.
Check your stable or field for anything that could cause an injury, such as broken fencing or protruding nails.
If you know that fireworks are being set off nearby and you’re not available to check on your horse, make sure you have someone experience on hand to check on your horse just in case.
If you know your horse reacts badly to fireworks and you have a display nearby then you might want to consider moving your horse to an alternative field or yard for the night, or discuss possible sedation with your vet.
Make sure that you have adequate third party liability insurance. If your horse is frightened and escapes, causing an accident, then you could be held liable for compensation.
The most important thing is to stay calm, if you remain relaxed then your horse will gain confidence from that.