3 14.1hh Grey Connemara Gelding Ref #: 365234 Loves hunting and has hunted frequently this winter Excels at dressage Safe to hack £6,500 Details Videos ConnemaraGreyGelding13 years14.1 hands Loves hunting and has hunted frequently this winter Excels at dressage Safe to hack 14.1 Registered Connemara gelding 13yrs old. He loves hunting and hacking and does a lovely dressage test. He hunted frequently this winter. Although not something we have done, I feel he would excel at WH/MM showing as he has very good conformation. Toby hacks alone or in company, good with traffic, farrier, teeth. He takes up the leg and rides more like a horse and therefore he would be best suited to a confident teenager or small adult for hacking/hunting/dressage. He likes to be with others and would not thrive without company so I don't want him being kept in a home where he will be left on his own. He is loving and kind and loves to be fussed and groomed. Good trial facilities. Possibly open to a short trial period if the home is local. Videos Read more Read less Contact Other Details: 07801 821650 (P) Location: Norfolk, East Anglia Message Messaged Save Ad Remove Saved Ad