4 WELLESBOURNE DAISY DUKE Ref #: 365224 Quality yearling filly Forlan lines Well handled and WPCS reg. £950 Details Pedigree Videos Welsh Section ABayFilly1 years Quality yearling filly Forlan lines Well handled and WPCS reg. Daisy is a very sweet, well bred yearling filly, of show quality with the desired 4 white socks and blaze. She is a lovely moving filly and will make a very nice lead rein/first ridden in time. In the interim period she would show very well in hand. We think a lot of Daisy and are therefore looking for a special, kind and knowledgeable family home where she is likely to be for a good while. She has been well handled and has seen the farrier. Third and fourth photos are of her sire and dam. Videos Read more Read less Caebanadl Dewi Sant Blackhill Game Cock Weston Dixie Blackhill Kandy Joiners Palm Penmynydd Solo Ceulan Perl Forlan Magic Moment Eppynt Superstar Penmynydd Cracker Jack Eppynt Sasha Forlan Miss Molly Llwynan Flash Forlan Welsh Melody Contact Other Details: 07866 251402 (P) Location: Wiltshire, South West Message Messaged Save Ad Remove Saved Ad