Superstar BYRDS / 14hh SHP prospect
- Would make a fantastic BYRDS
- Alternatively we do feel she would make a serious HOYS level 14hh SHP
SOLD within 5 days to the first viewer and an amazing home!
- Connemara
- Bay roan
- Mare
- 9 years
- 14 hands
- Would make a fantastic BYRDS
- Alternatively we do feel she would make a serious HOYS level 14hh SHP
9yr old 14hh bay roan Connemara mare.
Elsie is the ultimate dream pony. She is very easy to deal with in all ways and the most non marish mare we have ever dealt with- handled daily by a 75yr old lady and solely ridden by children here.
She has plenty of limb, substance as well as a beautiful front and 3 lovely paces.
She has done absolutely everything from Hunting, to hunter trials, to dressage, to showing- however although she has jumped upto 90cm- jumping just is not her thing so we are not selling her as a jumping pony although she loves to hunt.
Elsie would make a fantastic BYRDS or alternatively we do feel she would make a serious HOYS level 14hh SHP in the right capable hands to polish up her schooling.
She is completely snaffle mouthed and has hacked out in traffic and open spaces with small children walk trot canter no problem- this is probably her favourite thing to do.
Absolutely no lumps bumps or vices known. Someone would be very lucky to have her. The only reason for us parting with her is because we brought her to do 14hh WHP and unfortunately she will not go this job.
I have tonnes of videos and photos on request however I’m not dealing with dreamers. Serious enquiries only for this special mare. If I can’t pick up your call, please leave a text and I reply as soon as I can.
Located in Surrey.