Beautiful Registered Friesian Mare
- Big Powerful Moving Horse
- Quick learner and loves her work
- Same ho
- Friesian
- Black
- Mare
- 13 years
- 15.3 hands
- Big Powerful Moving Horse
- Quick learner and loves her work
- Same ho
Mayke Van’E Lansreed - Beautiful 15.3hh rising 13yr old Registered Friesian mare by Reinder 452 x Brend 413
Meeka is a lovely mare to have on the yard, very easy on the ground, excellent to catch, load, travel, farrier, in and out of the stable, turns out alone or with other mares (we don’t mix mares and geldings)
It’s so easy to keep talking about the horses we enjoy having around, someone will be so lucky to get this mare and have such a special horse for years of fun.
Meeka enjoys any work you ask her to do, she’s a powerful moving horse in the arena with an expressive trot and huge canter, she’s a very quick learner and loves her work, she will definitely excel in the white boards if someone wanted put some work in or equally as happy to do a few schooling sessions a week or go to clinics/ lessons etc
Out hacking she goes alone or in company, happy to go on pup rides and stand outside to help you drink a cider or eat your crisps. Will easily let you remount from a bench etc would make a lovely horse to attend pleasure rides/ beach rides, safe but definitely has the ‘WOW’ factor.
Totally clean legs, very low mileage, no vices, had teeth done with us and very well behaved. Has been in same home since a 2yr old and extremely sad for her to go now due to relationship breakdown.
Only the best home that can appreciate how special this breed is, she has super breeding and would also be an asset to any breeder (in the future) as far too good for that now