Stunning proven hunter with potential for so much more!!
- Fabulous all rounder
- Easy and straight forward to do on the ground and to ride
- Teenagers/ adults horse prefect RC/PC
- Irish Sports Horse
- Grey
- Mare
- 9 years
- 16 hands
- Fabulous all rounder
- Easy and straight forward to do on the ground and to ride
- Teenagers/ adults horse prefect RC/PC
Polly is a lovely horse who has the potential to be a top class allrounder, she is proven in the hunting field and showing huge willingness with her school and jumping work.
She is easy to do in all was on the ground and in ridden work, she has plenty of scope and is willing to learn anything you show her.
Stunning looks and a mannerly temperament, she would suit someone wanting a low level RC/PC horse or would make a lovely grass roots horse.
She has done mainly hunting in her life and is a good horse in the field having been hunted by teenagers.
She is good on and off the lorry away from home stands and loads really well, she also travels in a trailer and will tie up to be bathed and brushed.
She is good out hacking and regularly hacks alone and in company, the only thing we have found is she a bit nervous with very big lorries and although she doesn't do anything naughty she is worried about them. Apart from that she's very good and will lead or follow.
She is priced to sell but as schooling increases so too will her value as she is such a straight forward and lovely horse.