Kinuary Boy (Performance Bred)
- 4 year old, broken and going well in all 3 gaits
- lovely kind nature and very willing attitude to learn
SOLD! sold to a lovely home - good luck x
- Connemara
- Dun
- Gelding
- 4 years
- 14 hands
- 4 year old, broken and going well in all 3 gaits
- lovely kind nature and very willing attitude to learn
Kinuary Boy by Castleside JJ, out of Killavalley Rocky Girl.
Casanova is a 4 year old performance bred gelding. Broken & going very sweetly in all 3 gaits.
Nice prospect to be produced as a 14 hand worker / pony club / family pony.
Does needs to mature but given he is only 4 , he has lots of time - lovely kind nature & trainable attitude
Available on behalf of a private family who already have another in the same class
No Timewasters pls
Castleside JJ |
Killavalley Rocky Girl |