Dreamy 8yo 15.2hh PRE mare
- Extravagant moment
- Fun and safe ride
- Loveable character
Sold to the most lovely home.
- Grey
- Mare
- 8 years
- 15.2 hands
- Extravagant moment
- Fun and safe ride
- Loveable character
Luna is a splendid fully ANCCE registered British bred PRE mare with Carthusian old Baroque lines in her breeding.
She has fabulous lofty movement and is extremely light and balanced to ride. She enjoys her schooling and is forwards and willing. Established in lateral work in walk trot and canter, including half pass. Easy pirouette, rein back, green changes and has begun learning Spanish walk. She is very light off the leg and has extravagant movement with breath taking extensions while also being a safe ride. Does not need riding everyday can be left weeks or need lunging before being rode.
She has a loveable, kind and gentle nature and enjoys being worked and fussed.
Regularly taken out to clinics and competitions on her own and she is very well behaved while out. Good to load, travel, get ready at the venue etc. She happily gets on with it and is easy to do. Enjoys polework ridden lessons and jumps small jumps online.
She hacks alone and in company, is good traffic and not spooky, snaffle mouth at all times.
Would suit someone looking for a fun smaller dressage horse to compete or just enjoy. Would suit an older rider.
Up to date with vaccinations, dentist, worming, farrier. Easy to handle, groom, tack up, bath, clip. Barefoot with strong hooves. No vices or health issues. Passed a 5* vetting when I bought her.
Owned for over two years, very sad sale due to lack of time. Please call for more information