Dakota - a gorgeous show / dressage pony!
- As pretty as they come!
- Dakota should make a gorgeous show pony
- a real showstopper wherever she goes!
- Connemara
- Bay
- Mare
- 4 years
- 14 hands
- As pretty as they come!
- Dakota should make a gorgeous show pony
- a real showstopper wherever she goes!
Dakota is a 4 year old purebred Connemara mare, standing at 14hh at the moment with more to grow!
She has the most beautiful bay colour, a real showstopper wherever she goes!
Dakota is a very pretty mare with a gorgeous head, she is a real ladies horse and will develop into a girls dream horse!
She is a real talented mare with three amazing paces, she has a beautiful floating trot, she dances through the arena, she has a light and comfortable uphill canter.
Dakota should make a gorgeous show pony or dressage pony, she has the colour, the paces and the right mindset to come home with ribbons every time.
She is a very smart and kind pony, she is intelligent, she wants to please the rider and she learns quick, she always tries her best. She is quiet to ride, she has a soft snaffle mouth and is easy to ride into an outline.
She should be ideal for a competitive home as she has plenty of potential but she should also be suitable for mother daughter share or riding school.
She also has a fantastic jump, she has jumped here up to 1.20m loose, she has jumped up to 1 m here with a rider. She is honest and easy to ride into the fences. She loves cross country and should also make a good eventer in time.
Dakota is well bred and her Sire is Shadows Dun by Silver Shadow.Silver Shadow is one of the very top performing Connemara ponies on the European circuit, Silver Shadow has excelled at the highest levels of competition in Ireland, Sweden, and Italy.He has competed at 1.30mt and is now producing 1.30mt Athletic Competition Ponies, his progeny is most sough after.
Her dam is by Frederiksminde Hazy Match x Glencarrig Lexus.
Frederiksminde Hazy Match is a German National Champion Stallion and holds a Licensed Stallion Studbook I in Germany, Belgium, Ireland and Elite Stallion (WE) in Germany.
Dakota is bred to succeed and she has plenty potential for all disciplines. We do see her true potential as a show pony!
She is a kind and gentle mare, she is easy to shoe, box, catch, ride and in traffic. She hacks out alone our in company.
Dakota has no stable vices and is open for any vetting.
Price includes delivery to your yard in UK.
Exchange if you're not happy.
Scroll down to look at his video and call me any time 00353868077626 or email me gertytynan@gmail.com
Shadows Dun |
Frederiksminde Hazy Match |
Glencarrig Lexus |