First ridden, show, pony club pony
- FR / Lead rein - shown at HOYS
- Completely voice command and very easy to get in to canter
- Fabulous to hack
SOLD! Sold to a lovely home.. had so many phone calls??
- Riding Pony
- Bay
- Mare
- 16 years
- 12.1 hands
- FR / Lead rein - shown at HOYS
- Completely voice command and very easy to get in to canter
- Fabulous to hack
Charm is A BRP, She is registered 11,1 but we have measured her at 12 hands, 16 years old and has been a showing pony, FR, Lead rein and shown at HOYS.
She took my wobbly unbalanced 4 year old off the lead around jumping courses up to 40cm and he learnt to canter off lead on her . He has done FR classes on her when he was 4 and always placed highly as he managed to always get canter on both reins, She is completely voice command and very easy to get in to canter. She is forward going but safe! Also great on the lunge
she has also done games but she is a moody mare and needs to know her team mates 1st..
On the ground charm is not charming around food, So I never let Oscar near her in this environment. Great to clip,
She is fabulous to hack and so safe, all the other ponies can canter off and she will stay back if you wanted her to. She is bare foot and lives in or out. also can live by herself or with others
Im selling her as Oscar loves to jump and is now jumping 60 plus on a been there done that jumping pony and will be a few years away from riding charm at that height
Selling with tack and rugs
07510 914361 based in Kent