3 Classy Reg ID mare Ref #: 363279 Lovely mover and super temperament Placed in every outing including winning her first dressage test Scopey and careful jumper £15,000 ONO Details Pedigree Videos Irish DraughtChestnutMare8 years15.3 hands Lovely mover and super temperament Placed in every outing including winning her first dressage test Scopey and careful jumper 15.3 rising 8yo reg ID superbly bred mare. Really smart mare with lovely paces. She turns heads everywhere she goes! Rides well on the flat and naturally works in an outline. Brave and bold to jump making a nice shape. Lots of scope and untapped potential. She won her first prelim dressage test in a storm. She placed 5th in a big class first time out showjumping and placed second in another big class just 2 weeks ago at Cherwell. Impeccably behaved away from home. She has XC schooled round BE100 without so much as a second glance. Forward going and responsive, snaffle mouthed. She hasn’t been over produced and definitely has a bright future ahead of her. Eventing breeding but could go on to do anything! Very polite to handle and do everything with. Unsuitable for a novice as still young so needs a confident and capable rider to bring out her full potential. Very sad sale due to change in circumstances on behalf of a client. Videos Read more Read less Cappa Emperor Creggan Emperor Holycross Carrigroe star Cormaglava Blaze The Pride of Gloster Killawalla Blondie Cappa Diamond Glide Welcome Flagmount Flagmount King Welcome My Headford Glide Glidawn Diamond Ashling Beauty Contact Other Details: 07588 855557 (P) Location: Berkshire, South East Message Messaged Save Ad Remove Saved Ad