- Really Beautiful Little Show Pony.
- Has been ridden off the lead all winter, hacked out - opportunity to be an all rounder.
SOLD! Sold to a lovely family & the cutest little jockey x
- Riding Pony
- Bright bay
- Gelding
- 12 years
- 11.3 hands (LHC)
- Really Beautiful Little Show Pony.
- Has been ridden off the lead all winter, hacked out - opportunity to be an all rounder.
This pony needs no introduction, being a well established HOYS Lead Rein.
Outside of the show ring he is a lovely genuine childs pony whom all the kids fall out over who is going to ride. He is ridden off the lead at home by all the little ones, and I do think with time and training he could become a first ridden pony too!.
Robbie loves to hack out, is totally non spooky and a little pleasure to have around. Kids can be locked in the stable with him, brush him, pick his feet, paint his feet the lot.
Qualified for RI & HOYS last year, went Champion at the Royal Highland.
Up to date with teeth, back, feet and vaccines etc - fully made to measure tack available under separate negotiation
Really sad sale and realistically priced as family have their team of ponies lined up ready for this season and child won't go on the lead anymore
Beckside Little Toff |
Twylands Tiffany |