- Would make a super smart ladies hunter
- Would make a super smart ladies hunter
Part bred ID mare.
Super lovely sort who is a real leg at each corner, old fashioned Irish type with a great attitude and quality movement. She is a classic Irish MW hunter type.
I absolutely love Martha, she’s a type that’s increasingly hard to find, combining good looks with a fantastic temperament that is second to none. She is everything I look for in a good quality dealing horse, very well put together with a leg at each corner and a quality amount of bone. She moves well and has lovely old fashioned part bred Irish draught breeding bing by King Alton and having Carrabawn view as maternal grand sire giving her natural step and jump but combining a lovely laid back temperament. Martha is working very well on the flat and has a very workmanlike way of going and is built naturally on the bridle.
She has a lot of front and is naturally an uphill ride. She always wants to please and is nicely off the leg without being sharp or silly. She works naturally in a rhythm and it’s not going to take a lot to have her riding a good dressage test. Martha is a full up 15.2hh and is deep through the girth and easily takes a leggier rider, jockey in photos is 6ft. Martha is popping round a small course of coloured and natural fences, she’s brave, trainable and wants to be careful, but is very genuine with it. With further schooling and fitness there’s no reason she can’t go have fun going BS or maybe even BE. She would make a super smart ladies hunter and will be out with us in the coming weeks if not sold.
Martha hacks out very well both alone and in company and has been excellent in all traffic met to date.
She is a lovely lady to handle, box, catch, shoe, clip etc. and loves fuss and attention.
A really super young horse who a keen rider will have a lot of fun putting their own stamp on and winning lots of rosettes.