all round nice guy with great brain and potential
- Loves variety
- Brave and honest
- Clean record ready for someone to take out
£15,000 no VAT
- Anglo European
- Bay
- Gelding
- 6 years
- 16.3 hands
- Loves variety
- Brave and honest
- Clean record ready for someone to take out
All round nice guy! 16.3h 6yo bay gelding by Fabrice Van Overis with sj, eventing and dressage blood.
Valiente is looking to be someone’s everything! Really genuine kind horse that wants to do it all and do it well! Loves hacking with all family members, canters along the beaches,exploring new routes around the forest and lanes with or without friends, Popping natural fences he may find along the way.
He is learning lateral work and jumps for fun out of his rhythm! Been to training shows not at all fazed by arena decorations, fillers or crazy ponies, he’s there for a nice time. All whilst in a snaffle no martingale.
Good to do in all ways
We feel he’ll thrive in a varied home. Can imagine he’ll make for a great days hedge hopping too!
Genuine enquiries only
Fabrice Van Overis |
Lamphill Paper Lace |