1 Super Fun Connemara Mare Ref #: 361201 Riding Club Allrounder Nicely Schooled £8,500 ConnemaraGreyMare10 years15 hands Riding Club Allrounder Nicely Schooled Lolly is rising 10 this year and is a proper riding club allrounder. She is nicely schooled on the flat and produces a smart test- currently at prelim level. Happily pops around 80/90 show jumping courses and generally comes home with a rosette. Well hunted (on Exmoor) she will happily go in the field and go with a pony. Has been out to hunter trails and is happy and bold. Loves pairs and would be sensible around a fun team chase. She could easily go on to do some eventing this season. Has been on beach rides, fun rides annd hacks out alone and in company- she can be a bit stuffy at times on her own but never does anything horrible. Very good in all traffic/open spaces and isn’t at all spooky. She is currently riden by a beginner in company and goes alone. Very easy to do in all ways at home- clip/catch/farrier/load etc. Currently barefoot as her feet are so good. But has been shod in the past. Tack available. Read more Read less Contact Other Details: 07545 289631 (P) Location: Devon, South West Message Messaged Save Ad Remove Saved Ad