Fantastic Private sale used Foxy
- Only 66000 miles
- Safety Stallion Design
- CCTV horse area and reversing
- Only 66000 miles
- Safety Stallion Design
- CCTV horse area and reversing
Selling on behalf of client; Private Sale of Peugeot Boxer with only 66k miles; includes reupholstered seats (contrasting, stitching and piping), CCTV to horse area and reverse parking.
Stalled for two, full height stallion thickly padded partition with narrow head divider, allowing for great accessibility for the larger horse; integrated safety bar doors to grooms area leading to safety exit with extra wide door.
Tinted windows with stainless steel safety bars, extra thick EVA kick boards, Nylon/rubber composition sealed floor, coat x polurea protective coating over wheel arch ensuring durability and further protection; almost 8ft internal height, upgrade alloy plank ramp, thickly padded top opening doors, LED lighting (inclusive of red running lights and ramp light) seating each side with open plan tack area and wardrobe with electric hook up.
Sussex: Please contact Hannah on: 07921 316229 or