Grade A Showjumper - REDUCED as MUST SELL!!
- Winnings £43,662 - 4367 points
- Jumped Nations cups, 5* Grand Prix’s
- Many successes internationally
- Oldenburg
- Bay
- Gelding
- 16 years
- 16.2 hands
- Winnings £43,662 - 4367 points
- Jumped Nations cups, 5* Grand Prix’s
- Many successes internationally
DRAMATICALLY REDUCED AS SALE NEEDED!! This horse needs no introduction he has been there and done it. He has travelled all over the world with the best riders and has had an extremely successful career. He’s jumped nations cups, world ranking classes, 5* Grand Prix’s with previous riders. He’s a very talented horse with lots more to give.
Great horse to do, lovely character.
Casper had been with us for a few years and has been a pleasure to own, unfortunately due to work commitments and personal injuries we are unable to continue competing him regularly and giving him the time he deserves.
Lots more videos available via you tube. (Con man JX)
5* home for this much loved horse.
Please contact me for further information on 07929 797052.
Conterno grande |
Contender |
Grannuschka |
Magic Flights |
Chacoa |
Cavalier Royale |
Brittas Pride |